Legal Disclaimer

The statements and posts presented here reflect the viewpoints of Tiffany Cards and are based on personal communications, investigations, findings, research, and due diligence. They should not be regarded as factual statements but rather as opinions. The information and content provided are derived from general available information, field research, inferences, and deductions made through Tiffany Cards' due diligence and analysis.

Tiffany Cards holds these opinions in good faith, relying on publicly available facts, evidence, and representations made by individuals, companies, and reliable platforms selling products. While opinions, claims, and findings are grounded in research and investigations by Tiffany Cards, they are explicitly identified as our opinions and beliefs.

Our research and analysis rely on publicly accessible information, conducted in a manner that any interested person could replicate. However, users are cautioned that the use of Tiffany Cards' investigation, research, and due diligence is at their own risk. Tiffany Cards and any affiliated parties cannot be held liable for direct or indirect losses resulting from the provided information or content. Users are urged to conduct their own research, due diligence, and consult legal advisors regarding the covered information.

To the best of our ability, knowledge, and belief, the information contained herein is accurate and reliable, obtained from individuals and public sources that are deemed accurate and reliable. However, this information is presented "as is," without any warranty, whether express or implied.

Tiffany Cards makes no representation, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of such information or the results obtained from its use. All opinions are subject to change without notice, and Tiffany Cards does not commit to updating or supplementing the content, recordings, documents, or any information contained herein.

Tiffany Cards retains the right to express opinions through publicly accessible social media. These opinions, along with the underlying facts from our research, are deemed in the public interest, justifiable due to the shared interest among card collectors and the collectible market in determining the true value of such products and the content we investigate.